Nyxi Ires

LMT, Craniosacral Therapist and Reiki Master

Nyxi specializes in Biodynamic and Biomechanic Craniosacral Therapy and Reiki. She treats clients of all ages ranging from newborn infants to older adults.

Her professional education began over 20 years ago and includes training in Vibrational Structure, Energy Mapping, Body Story Reading and Emotional Palpation with Mimi Berger; Myofascial Release and Skillful Touch at the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute of Structural Integration; Essential Reiki at the Master level with Deb Benyik; Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy and Polarity Therapy at Colorado School of Energy Studies; Biomechanic Upledger Craniosacral Therapy at Colorado School of Healing Arts; Russian Sports Massage, Reflexology, Acupressure, Shiatsu, Hydrotherapy and more at Denver School of Massage Therapy.

Her experience has shown that health comes from gaining a greater range of motion in mind, body and spirit. Stuck-ness, whether as a knot or spasm in the musculature or soft tissue, a stress response loop in the nervous system, a neuromuscular compensation pattern, negative or limiting self-talk, beliefs, thoughts and emotions, restricts range of motion capacity, affecting one’s whole being and all the relationships between systems therein.

When a safe space is held, it creates an environment to allow the body’s innate intelligence to guide, unwind and recalibrate towards a natural state of health and wholeness. Nyxi gently facilitates this process, drawing from her expertise in various modalities along with careful sensitivity and mindfulness toward the unique needs of each client.

Nyxi is a passionate dancer and multidisciplinary artist. She connects deeply with infants, young ones, animals and the ocean. Following her own path to healing and empowerment has lead her to the most amazing people and experiences as well as joy, ease, pleasure and comfort residing with presence in her own body. To support and hold space for others on their own journey to uncover their health and wholeness, is the highest honor.